Friday, January 30, 2009

Al2O3 Program Change

Since there was no change of the result of firing Al2O3 fibers with slower heating rates we (with the supervisor) decided to use a higher rate and check the results.
Using the changed program I put a sample to the furnace.

Kneading of another sample of bare body was done for 5 hours with the EMU Memo which logs the current used during kneading within every one minute period. Cleaning of the machine took about 30 mins.

As today is Friday lab cleaning was done at 2 O' clock.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Al2O3 Second Firing Results

Al2O3 sintered fibers were taken out from the kiln. But as the problem occurred in the previous firing, after this firing there was no fibers found. Everything is broken into pieces. Have to find a solution for this problem.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kneading Material

For the project Arg, another sample of body should be kneaded with fibers inside 6%. Hence, the kneading was started but after some time it was observed that the kneaded was stopped. There was a problem with the power outlet so that the kneading had to be started from the scratch.

Compression test for the third batch of project MH was done. It showed some interesting results. According to that clay with different kinds of silica had different strengths. According to strength,
1. Double layer Silica
2. Single layer Silica
3. Mixed Silica (Double and Single layer)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sample Preparation

In the morning had a meeting with the co-supervisor and granted some work that has to be done within next few days. For one project (Arg) I have to do 3 kneadings.

1. with fibers - 6% - 5 hrs
2. with glass fibers - 6% - 5hrs
3. without fibers - 5 hrs

and also prepare samples for compression test on project MH and help my colleague for that.

So started work with kneading the sample without fibers.
Then sample preparation of MH for the compression test.

In the evening started to clean the small kneader after getting instructions from the co-supervisor.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Spaghetti Production

From the second batch of the Project MH, spaghetti of 1.5 and 0.5 was produced from ES 26g and 52g.

Production of 1.5 mm did not have any problem while 0.5 production (extrusion) had a problem. Time to time the extrusion was stopped because of some granules stuck inside or above the 0.5 die. So it had to be cleaned each and every time it stops making the process longer.

For Al2O3 project another 4 number of samples (fibers) were prepared and put to the furnace using another program which was changed according to the TGA results.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fiber Project

After doing the sintering process with the fiber specimens, it is realized that there is something wrong either in the firing program or in the material. So a TG (thermogravimetric) analysis had to be done.

I have received the results from the TG analysis and drew the graph according that. There I could obviously see that the firing curve I used was wrong. Because the decomposition of the inner core of the fiber overlaps with the debinding process of the outer layer (The layer which should be remained after sintering).

So I changed the firing curve very carefully considering some factors according to the TG analysis results. I will sinter some more samples very sooner to check the effects.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting Better

The fingers which were squeezed in last year just before the Christmas days are now getting better. It seems that I am going to loose the two nails and at the same time coming new nails. Have to be so careful when working, not to stick with anything around. Otherwise the nails will be forcefully removed making a great disaster. ;)

I am really wondering how nicely the human body works. It is wonderful and amazing.

-- cheers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Rechecking Calibration

Calibration of the Sensors had been done by the service maintenance and I wanted to recheck the data I gathered earlier with the Micra-M device.

Problem: There were some transducers like 1400 bar transducer for what the Micra-M can't be calibrated because of the limitation of the calibration device we had. It can only go upto 550 bars since it is calibrated only till that pressure. but it can go upto 1000 bars. So tried to calibrate it until 1000 bars. But the values were getting a difference when the values are out of the range 200 - 500 bar. For the 350 bar sensor it was hard to calibrate Micra-M because it showed different input values each and every time it is rechecked.

Compression test of some ceramic rods were done according to a German norm. It is obvious that the sample preparation according to the norm is not that easy and it has an effect on the strength test.
The test was done on four types of batches and it is seen that one is really good in strength and the strength has been almost doubled than the last batch.

For another project, some tubes had to be sintered and one was put to the kiln to be debindered with the given temperature curve. To be certain about the results only one type of tubes was used rather than all the types. So one can be sure on the results when interpret them.

So at last it is another week end.. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy and Feel great.

I finished writing the Micra-M and DaqPRO programming manual which consists of 13 pages including front and contents page and the Data sheet pages too. Started today with writing the programming of DaqPRO and had to take some pictures of the device since the pictures I had were not enough giving details.
After all finished the manual gave handed it over to the supervisor. His appreciation is motivating. It is really nice to have that kind of appreciation after doing some work.
Thanks Frank. You are really a good and a kind supervisor.

(Asked Frank for the permission to participate to the BrainStore workshop and he granted the permission. Such a nice person.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Writing Manual

I am continuing my writing of the manual putting all the data available in a correct order. I have to write about two devices. One is the Micra-M Digital Instrument and the DaqPRO Data Logger. DaqPRO Data Logger is used to acquire the output from the Micra-M on a computer and save data for later use. It can be programmed to use with different sensors and save the defined sensors.
Have to insert some guiding pictures to assist the user to make more sense about the process. At the end of the day I totally finished writing about the Micra-M programming and tomorrow have to start with DaqPRO programming.

-- cheers

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Micra-M manual

Now I am fully equipped with the details of the Micra-M device. So started writing the manual of which the main requirement is to give the user a proper idea how to create it. Brief introduction and overview to the programming method was written. But have to finish all the parts before tomorrow afternoon. Have to get some more data for another transducer too. for 350 bar transducer.

Monday, January 12, 2009


The Ditel Micra-M device calibration with the pressure sensors were little bit hard. I had to check each and every point regarding the signal it outputs. After manually selecting the required points using the calibrating device which has a wheel and a meter using which I could give known pressures to the sensor, the data was noted for later use (That is the main purpose of the task)
So 100 bar, 200 bar, 350 bar, 500 bar, 700 bar, 1400 bar pressure sensors were used to the calibration.
Using another device called DaqPRO, the values or the analog output can be calibrated to recieve data on a computer. So it was also done at the same time.

Thw whole day I had to play with the device so in the evening had a little bit ache in the eyes. Now it feels good. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In New Year

In the new year 2009 started to work after the accident I have met with.
But still working only with the computer and preparing a manual for a measuring device used with pressure sensors.

I have to calibrate all the sensors and store those data for later use.
It's fun since I love to work with electronics and computers. Already I have done a rough calibration of two sensors and have to fine tune them.

Finally have to write the manual of the process of calibration.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

A year has gone like a wind with ups and downs.
This year will be a great, happy and joyous new year for everyone.
