Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vacuum Problem of AMK (Kneader)

We had a problem with the kneader with vacuum. It seemed to have lot of spaces in between its lids. The beading or the sealer which was there to prevent this had so many distortions so that air go inside very easily. And also in between the connecting parts of the machine (like walls in a square house) had a little space on the top where the vertical sealer ends.

So, thought of reducing the space and got the flash that I can use grease to fill out. But it took a lot of amount of grease but ultimately I could go down to -0.2 bars of the pressure, still with some minor leakages. Started the machine to see whether there are other leakages with the screw when its working. But it didn't give any effect and still had a decreasing pressure like -0.24 bars.

Prepared some samples for the compression test of MH project but the elevator was not working so that the Hoover/vacuum pump which sucks powders of cutting (otherwise it will spread all over the lab and it is not safe for everyones health) was not able to get upstairs from down. So I had to stop with only 16 specimens. Have to prepare more 14 specimens for the test and it's a little bit tough work with the small dimensions 10x10x10 mm3 since the accuracy has to be with a tolerance of 0.5 mm.