Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Project Announced...

Glazes used in traditional ceramic applications have become a very long way from the old days. They are now a fashion in the society to obtain such products with attractive types of glazes to express their level in the society.

Within the types of glazes, crystalline glazes are very expensive due its attractiveness and the difficulty to obtain the correct type of glaze.

What is crystalline glaze?
It is a glaze in which the glaze is matured appearing the crystals of it inside the glaze giving very pleasing appearance to the surface. This is very difficult to obtain technically.

Our team started the project to find a formula of a crystallized glaze for a ceramic body to identify a perfect formula for a given body while minimizing the cost of production.

(More details will be published very soon - Literature survey is going on)


Thilanka said...

Really dude What is crystalline glaze?
I'm interested, educate me. :p
:) Seriously.