Friday, May 16, 2008

The Art of Glaze

In the ceramic technology subject, glazes is one of components that drew my attention. The study of formulation, preparation and application of glazes is very interesting. So I thought to put some general ideas about glazes of traditional ceramic industry.

Glazes are very important to the traditional ceramic industry. It sometimes gives the vitreous properties to the body and sometimes, art to the body. In either case in enhances the cost of the product.

When the importance is considered, the appearance of a ceramic product is very important even the cost is elevated with the application of the glaze. Sometimes the product is decorated with a single color and in some cases it is decorated with a texture. Most of pottery are decorated with textured glazes, while some wall tiles and floor tiles are colored glazed.

Giving appearance to the product is one effect of the glaze. But there are some important technical factors which improve the quality of the product.
1. Vitreous
   Some products are used in wet conditions such as floor tiles and wall tiles for a bathroom. So it does not allow water to pass through the tile, which will get deformed (due to moisture absorption) and the lifetime of the tile will be reduced. Sometimes it will allow water to pass through the wall and make it appear on the other side of the wall. The vitreous (non-porous) glaze will prevent this from happening.

2. Strength
   The body along is a pressed and fired body which has a high strength. When the glaze is applied on the top of the fired body, it will also reinforce the body and elevate the strength of the product.

Glazes are very important in the traditional ceramic industry and so that the study of that is also important.